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CD-RonWhite: Crayola Magic Wardrobe

•••• (four stars)

reprinted from PC Computing, November 1997

Once again I was ready to dis this CD. I mean, it's paper dolls. Could you come up with a more stereotypical girl's activity? But I was wrong. It is paper dolls--or pixel dolls, I suppose--but the CD uses them to explore history. In particular, women in history whom no one would accuse of being shrinking violets, from Nefertiti to Joan Baez. A diary--another "girlish" accoutrement--is used as insight into the daily life of young women from Egypt to a hippie commune. None of the educational aspects of the CD get any lengthier than a child's attention span. And of course, you can put different clothes on the pixel dolls and color them. And you know, it's kinda fun.

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