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Hyperspace Cowgirls
in the News

Even Cowgirls Get the Web . . .

reprinted from AlleyCat News: Investments in Silicon Alley, February 1997

Hyperspace Cowgirls is a developer of CD-ROM and Web-based products that focus on kids' science, with a secondary concern for drawing girls into the sciences at an early age. The company has been in operation for about two years, in which time they have produced nine CD-ROM prototypes and two Web-based prototypes. The Cowgirls do all their graphic, video and sound production in-house, working with 2-D and 3-D animation, original music, illustration, Lingo programming, product development, graphic design, and photography.

For now, Hyperspace Cowgirls is focusing on the home market. However, they are currently talking to educational publishers about three products, and hope to target both markets soon.

Hyperspace Cowgirls has currently solidified two deals with major software publishers to distribute two of several new titles that are currently in the works. One is a title for 6- to 10-year-olds due to be released in September 1997 by a large computer company. The other is a hyperactive science CD-ROM/Web site title for teenagers and adults due for release in January 1998 by Holtzbrink Electronic Publishers. The company plans for both items to be able to link to accompanying Web sites from which the CD-ROMs can be updated for a fee. Both deals will probably lead to more titles being released in the future.

Another CD-ROM project that the company is working on is based on the Early Science book series written by company founder Dr. Evelyn Shaw. These award winning children's science books follow the behavior and biology of animals from alligators to ducks, among other marine life. The company is also currently working on deals with corporate Web sites and consumer online services to distribute Web-only products that are in development.

Selected Prototypes

Did You Know?: A Web-based product that delivers weekly science learning applications utilizing Shockwave, an interactive Web animation program.

Alligator: This is a CD-ROM for kids 4 to 8. The user is allowed to enter a simulation of an alligator's natural environment via a story of a mother alligator's struggle to protect and rear her offspring, linked to an abundance of related activities and games. One of these games, "Gator Guts," can be played online in a mode adapted for Web interaction.

Octopus: Science exploration CD-ROM for kids 4 to 8. Follow a mother octopus's adventures on the sea floor, play related games, visit the underwater Octopus Museum, see real octopus videos, and hide from ferocious predators.

Cyberkids Cookbook: CD-ROM for kids 6 to 12 (with parent's help in the kitchen). Kids learn basic and more advanced cooking techniques, from measuring milk to baking a cake to roasting a turkey.


Hyperspace Cowgirls is owned by company president Susan Shaw and her mother, the well-known scientist and science writer, Dr. Evelyn Shaw. Susan Shaw has had twenty years experience as a graphic designer. Former clients include Avon, Toy `R' Us, McDonalds, and Disney. She is a Charter Member of the New York City Mayor's Advisory Council on Multimedia. Dr. Evelyn Shaw is a distinguished marine biologist, serving on the faculties of Rutgers, Columbia, and Stanford Universities. She is also a successful writer of popular science books for children and adults.

Funding: The company is self-funded, but will probably be looking for funding in the future, according to Shaw.

Origin of Name

The name Hyperspace Cowgirls came to Susan Shaw in a dream. "When I woke up I thought, `That's it," she says. "And then I started to realize how appropriate it is, that we are pioneers, and cyberspace is the next frontier."

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