As a producer at Hyperspace Cowgirls, Peter S. Petralia's quirky background lends to his eclectic and multidisciplinary contribution to the company. Originally from Florida, Peter attended Warren Wilson College, a 700-acre farm school in Asheville, North Carolina, where he studied English and theatre and acquired his skills as a dude rancher. He then moved to NYC to broaden his horizons in avant-garde (and pretentious) post-modern theatre at NYU. He studied and performed acrobatics, dancing and clowning while in the circus in his next home base of San Francisco. In his spare time, he developed his commercial video editing skills at Pomegranit Editorial. While in San Francisco, Peter worked in film, television, and theatre as a producer, designer, and director. After a few years out on the left coast he decided NYC was his real home, and moved back to co-develop a theatre
company called Proto-Type. Peter continues to produce theatre, film, and games all over NYC. Thankfully, Peter's computer savvy is a perfect compliment to his array of talents, and he is excited to apply them at Hyperspace Cowgirls.
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